Sunday, June 6, 2010

Just a word about pricing

We are cheapskates. That doesn't mean we like cheap things. It means we like to buy good, quality things when the price is cheap. If it isn't 80% off, then we don't need it.

We double check every book we post here on kindlecheapreads. At the time of the post, the price is right. But if you know anything about Kindle pricing, you know that prices change on the nano-second and you may have missed a great deal. It's like hesitating at the auction.

Just yesterday afternoon I found a great mystery book that I wanted to post. It was the first time I had seen the book at a reduced rate, so I felt confident holding it for a few days as I had already had the weekend's posts scheduled. Last night when I sat down to prepare Monday's posts, the book was $9.99. I didn't even get to buy it when it was cheap!

Some books will decrease in price after our post. If we have time, we may repost the book at the reduced price. Other times, the book may soon go back to its regular price and we will all miss out. We recommend you check the blog often, buy what appeals to you, and not live with regrets - whether the price increases or decreases. Living with regrets takes time away from reading.

Cheap books are great books!

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