Saturday, June 12, 2010

e-Ramble on noodles

e-Ramble is a periodic post when we come across something we feel is worth sharing with you. It's free and probably worth every penny you are paying for it.


Remember college or when you were first living on your own and didn't have one dime to rub against another dime? With your lack of funds, you had one staple in your diet - Ramen noodles. Way back in my day, you could buy a package of Ramen noodles for ten cents. The packages indicated different flavors like beef and chicken, but by the second week of eating nothing but Ramen noodles, they all tasted the same. If you have high blood pressure today, you can probably trace it back to the salt-laden Ramen noodle era of your life.

Knowing that Ramen noodles are the food of the poorest of America's poor, I found it a bit ironic that a book about Ramen noodles and someone's love life, sells for $18.99! What is this publisher thinking? That kind of money is a semester's worth of noodles. You can see the book here.

If I never eat another one of those noodles, I won't cry. However, if this post has given you a craving for the noodle, check out this website.

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